Have you ever had an event that rips the wind from your sails and you struggle to find the desire to do anything again? My event happened on July 3rd. While it was likely not, it felt as if in an instant I lost all the speed I had been building up, speed I was determined to use to make marathon training a real possibility. A month ago, I accept ed that I would not be running the Baystate Marathon, and settled that I'd run the half, earning my jacket in May at Gate City. Two weeks ago, I accepted the reality I would not be running Baystate at all. Yesterday I went and cheered on friends, helped some friends at the Gate City Striders table until the cold got to me. I know what to expect next year.
Enough of the failures, lets look at the successes. I enjoy running and I should be able to get out there whether or not I'm training. I challenged myself to run at least a mile for 7 days straight. I succeeded.
Day 1 Sunday October 14th.
A start. I got to test out some of my colder weather clothing. It was a struggle. Due to paving in my development at home, my normal 0.6 mile loop had to be changed to a 0.22 mile loop. Each loop I passed my door, but I kept going.
Day 2 Monday Oct 15

I wish every run could be like this one. I knew I needed to do at least a mile, but I challenged myself to run a 25 minute Zombie mission. It felt so good, I ended up running FOUR miles. I checked off a few more roads in my Run Nashua Challenge. It was great.
Day 3 Tues Oct 16
Tuesdays are my busy day at the office. We also drive a meals on wheels route at lunch. I'll be honest I didn't want to run. Once I was home that evening, I wanted to sit in my comfy chair, drink tea and read a book. This run happened because I committed to the streak.
Day 4 Wed Oct 17
Another I committed so I better get out there. I ate a few snacks an hour before running that did not agree with running. This mile was more walking because I didn't want to get sick.
Day 5 Thurs Oct 18
I took my Mom shoe shopping and came how with new sneakers. It was later than normal but I wanted to try them out. Thank you Mom!
Day 6 Fri Oct 19
By the time I got home from work I was HUNGRY! I ate too much dinner and ended up sitting around going I need to run but I can't move. Finally before bed I got up and got out there so I wouldn't lose my streak.
Day 7 Sat Oct 20
The weather was beautiful! Seriously! I couldn't settle with just 1 mile, so I aimed for a zombie mission and ended up with closing out my streak with 2 miles!
Day 8 didn't happen, so according to my Nike Run Club app, I only had a 5 day streak. I was at Baystate and I got too cold. I just could not warm up once home and I could not motivate myself to the Y to run indoor before they closed. I do not feel my decision to rest, if walking around Lowell in the cold, not properly dressed for the wind is considered resting.
I heard so many stories of running success and challenges from Baystate and Ghost Train this weekend. In a way I feel as if the race season is over. In my head I'm looking forward to next spring and fall. I want to have two anchor races, ones that I am training for or at least getting prepared for.
I still have three planned races this year.
Novemberfest: Benefits the Nashua Children's Home. 5 miles in downtown and Mine Falls. I've got 3 costume ideas to pick from and make happen.
Santa Shuffle: I won this entry in June at the Flag day race. My best running friend and I will be dressed as Santa running the streets of Manchester. After the race that family will enjoy the Manchester Christmas Parade.
Mill Cities Relay: I'm sent in my information to be placed on a team. Whether I run or cheer will be decided by who else is participating and if there is a turtle team or females in their 40's that needs a 5th runner to compete. I'm good either way.
As for next year, there is always the freeze your buns series, and winter warriors at Fleet Feet. I'm thinking my anchor races will be the mill cites double half marathons(Gate City and Baystate). A part of me wants to run Hampton Half again and I'm thinking I want to do the New Hampshire Grand Prix series. Full marathons, I need to either improve my speed or get more of my personal ducks in a row.