Tuesday, January 21, 2020

How far is a marathon?

We all know a marathon is 26.2 miles, but how far is that really? I've joked I run further than most people will drive for dinner.

Boston Marathon Course Map
Gate City Marathon 2018 - This was my first marathon, the route changed last year but is still 26.2 miles.

I live in South Nashua. Using my place near Shaws off Spit Brook Road as a starting point.

Here is a list of places less than a 26.2 mile walk from my place using googlemaps to create the route.  Walking avoids all highways that don't allow pedestrians and adds in any rail trails or walking paths.

The Burlington Mall in Massachusetts

Nelson's Candy and Music in Wilton, NH

Canobie Lake Park(less than 20 miles)

Manchester Airport

deCorvoda Museum

Other places less than 26.2 miles apart on foot

Fenway Park and Salem Mass

Providence RI to Gillette Stadium

Friday, January 17, 2020

January Updates

“Stop gambling with British Bookies” my Dad’s response to I’ve lost 10 pounds since November.
Plan spreadsheet. Green = run completed; Yellow = less than planned miles
Red = Skipped; Pink = cross training; Blue = More than planned miles

Week 5 of Boston Marathon/Eastern States training and I’ve been struggling. I walked on Monday when I should have rested and it really messed up my training week. My head has been in a funk and I’ve felt physically sluggish. Yesterday I finally checked my cycle and put it all together. PMS can be cruel.

The 10lbs is a problem, I can’t really lose anymore, that was the issue I had last time so I’m trying to incorporate more 200 calorie healthy snacks and not skip breakfast. 
Garmin screen shot of the 5
activites this week.

I’ve been beating myself up about not making my miles, until I realized I needed 11 mid-week miles and I got them. Some I walked, some I ran slow, but I got them all. Tomorrow is a rest day to prep for 10 miles on Saturday in 10 degree weather before the snow. 

A few other wins this week, I've been able to run after eating, or more accurately not in a complete fasting state. Yesterday I ate a huge lunch at around 2pm. Realizing I had some free time in the afternoon and a desire to not running 23 mph winds, I went to the Y and ran 3 miles on a treadmill around 4 pm. In the past for a meal of that size, I would wait 3+ hours before running. It slowed me down a bit but I didn't feel sick which is good. Eating and being able to move after is one of the things I need to train if I want to run an ultra. 

Last weekend I managed to complete another road, on my Run Nashua challenge. I haven't been focused much on this the last year or two and I don't want creative routes to get in the way of proper training. If it doesn't become a scheduling nightmare, I may try to run one or two of my 3 mile runs a month in a new area.
Most recent map of roads run. New roads are in the upper left corner.

Week 6 starts in on the challenge of mid-week longer runs. This was my challenge last time. I'll dedicate some time with my husband to help brain storm so answers that hopefully don't include wake up at 4:30am.